Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Romantic Strategist?

Here's an excerpt from a letter that Carl von Clausewitz wrote to his wife, Countess Marie von Clausewitz, while he was stationed in Poland.

"When I first beheld you, I felt
As though in the presence of an angel's majesty,
I trembled through and through
And my heart whispered as a childlike prayer:
Stay, kind stranger, stay here in this world below,
Through your eyes' beautiful gaze, bless and
Lead me back to life's tranquil peace
From all the storms of life!
You gave me your hand in friendship,
Under an angel's protective wing.
Our path winds gently through life,
And in heaven resides our bliss."

When I first read this beautifully written lines, I was so surprised! The man who is known to prescribe total wars, defeating your enemy till they have no means of countering your actions, was actually such a romantic! Then the words of my mentor came into my mind. My mentor once said that truly brilliant strategists are really more artistically inclined and not so logically based. It makes so much more sense now, otherwise how would have Clausewitz made that bold move to convince the Prussian King to defect from Napoleon's army? If Clausewitz had failed, he would have been put to death for treason. Many people would not have taken such a risky gamble if they were in his position.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Strategist,

I will be studying the mental strategies of "artistically" inclined pple like Walt Disney and Mozart using the tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Will share with you when I am done.. so hopefully you can be able to develop them and be as artistic as Clauswitz... and even.. Mao Zedong? :P

Your student (hopefully..:P)